Our Programs
Entrepreneurial Development is our heartbeat
Our major programs are focused on entrepreneurial development. We are concerned about your financial development and we have built a community to further our course in the development of entrepreneurs. Your wellbeing is our top priority!
Skill Training and Entrepreneurial Development Program (STED)
This is a membership program that offers free skill acquisition training for members of the Foundation. This program features lots of skills including:
Paint Production
Catering and Pasteries
Lots More
Economic Development Program (ECODEV)
This program is designed to provide capital to entrepreneurs. it covers every field of endeavor. This program is sub-divided into:
ECODEV Farmers Intervention Program
ECODEV Member Business Intervention Program
ECODEV Community Intervention
ECODEV I've Got Skills Program
Input Grant Program (IG Project)
The input grant program is also known as a return to serve program. In the IG Project, the alumni of our STED program, returns to impact the knowledge they have received to others.